PhotoClub Workshop

Join us for a HERITAGE WEEK photoclub workshop and make your own cool photo collages - suitable for children ages 7 - 11.

In this workshop, you'll get to make your own cool photo collages using pictures and words from magazines, newspapers, books, and even your own photos! We’ll show you how to mix and match these images to create something completely new and awesome, just like famous artists do.

  • Learn About Collages: We’ll start by telling you a little bit about how artists use collages to tell funny, imaginative, or even serious stories.

  • Create Your Own Collages: Then, you’ll jump right in and start making your own! You’ll get to pick and choose images and put them together in fun and surprising ways. Imagine something that doesn’t exist, and make it real!

  • Turn Your Art into a Postcard: Once your collage is done, we’ll show you how to turn it into a postcard. You can take this unique postcard home or even help us create a special set that will be sold in our museum’s shop.

We’ll have everything you need ready for you, including lots of pictures and materials. But if you have some favourite photos or pictures, bring them along to add your personal touch!

By the end of the workshop, you’ll have made your own one-of-a-kind collage, learned cool new art skills, and created a postcard that might even be sold in a real museum!

Workshop Details

Where: Photo Museum Ireland

When: Friday 23rd August

Time:  10:00- 12:00

Duration: 2 hours

Number of places:

Age: This workshop is suitable for children aged 7 and 11

Cost: €10

Limited places available. Booking required.

This event is part of a project supported under the Heritage Council's grants programme in 2024.