climate action policy statement

Making art is a collaborative effort and Photo Museum Ireland knows from experience that everyone’s contribution, great and small, is important and affects the end result. Photo Museum Ireland recognises that its activities impact upon the environment and resolves to use these talents to continue to reduce its impact on the environment.

Photo Museum Ireland’s Green Team was established in 2023 and meets once per quarter to review progress and discuss new targets for the year ahead.

Reducing the environmental impact of Photo Museum Ireland is the responsibility of all of us and the Museum strives to be an organisation that is environmentally aware and where all staff take on this responsibility for themselves.  The policy statement and supporting documents are the framework within which we can all work to achieve that.  

Each member of staff is challenged to work in as “green” a way as possible.  Staff with managerial or supervisory responsibility have a further duty to oversee that a green working environment exists and is promoted in their department.  

Photo Museum Ireland is in receipt of funding from the Arts Council  of Ireland and Dublin City Council and shall comply with their Climate Action Policy requirements. Photo Museum Ireland is committed to comply with all legal and other requirements as a minimum performance. 


Photo Museum Ireland’s commitment to climate action and sustainability is demonstrated through three strategic priorities:

1. Reducing operational impacts on the environment -

  • working towards net zero carbon by 2035. 

2. Engaging our people -

  • inspiring, engaging and involving our staff, contractors and suppliers in our sustainability goals. 

3. Promote sustainability through our programme -

  • engaging artists and our audiences in issues of sustainability and climate justice, focusing on people’s agency to take positive action. 


  • The efficient use of energy, water and other resources.

  • Building awareness and action.

  • Developing skills and training.

  • Embedding sustainability into HR systems and processes.

  • Highlight sustainability in the content and delivery of exhibitions & the building of our collection.

  • Deliver education and outreach activities that critically address climate change. 

  • Undertake and disseminate research, teaching and learning related to sustainability issues. 

  • Development of a comprehensive ESG assessment and strategy to integrate ESG principles into the Museum’s strategy to take our environmental and social commitment to the next level.

All targets in the Climate Action Plan are aimed at assisting staff to optimise performance of buildings and operations.


The Board will nominate a Director to oversee the Museum’s Climate Action Policy.  The Director will be invited to Green Team meetings and receive the minutes of the meetings.  

 A Green Report will be made to the Board once a year showing utility consumption figures and general “greening” and progress against Action Plan Targets that have been achieved in the year.

 The Finance & General Manager will monitor the policy and arrangements on a day to day basis.

 This document will be reviewed on a Four Yearly basis by the Green Team Committee unless circumstances require that relevant sections should be reviewed earlier.


Photo Museum Ireland is proud of having taken up the challenge of greener working and is committed to constantly challenging the accepted way of doing things and to be on the lookout for greener initiatives

Approved by the Board of Directors on 20th June 2024

Date of next review: 21st June 2027