Irish Photo Network

Monday 23 September
Photo Museum Ireland

PHOTO FUTURES brings together artists, curators, academics, and museum professionals from north and south of the border to address the key challenges and opportunities facing artists working in Ireland. We’ll discuss how the development of artist practices intersects with urgent questions around Climate Action, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and emerging technologies, such as Augmented Reality. 

Join us for a one-day symposium organised by the Irish Photo Network, continuing the legacy of this all-island Photo Forum addressing the key issues of our time.

Free admission. Booking required.


Welcome from Trish Lambe, Photo Museum Ireland

13.30 - 14.30
Panel 1: Addressing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

14.35 - 15.35
Panel 2: Challenges for the Future – Artists and AI

15.50 - 16.50
Panel 3: Sustainable Practices

16.50 - 17.00
Closing comments 

Discover the Irish Photo Network

Bringing together photographic artists and arts organisations in an all-island open forum. 

Kindly supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Co-operation with Northern Ireland Scheme.