Past Exhibition

Skin / Deep: Perspectives on the Body

23 November - 9 February 2025

Curated by Darren Campion
Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Still from 'Skin to Skin Talks' 16mm film transferred to digital, 2023

Perspectives on the Body

Skin / Deep brings together challenging artistic perspectives on the body in contemporary Irish photography and lens-based media. The featured artists take an expanded view of the social, psychological, and material realities of embodiment – of being a ‘body’ in the world. Through their individual practices, they call into question many fundamental assumptions about how gender, sexuality, and selfhood are manifested in and through the body. As an exhibition, Skin / Deep argues for a reconsideration of those bodily experiences that have long been regarded as marginal, and for the means to address them.

We are all defined as individuals by the norms and expectations of the social context in which we live, but our bodies also provide a position from which to experience the world, and the complexity of how we inhabit our physical selves doesn’t always correspond to existing ideas about what the body is or can be. Using their own experiences, the artists in this exhibition present ways of thinking about the intersections of identity, the body and the self that have only recently begun to be acknowledged in Irish society. They show how different bodily experiences – queer, trans, sick, maternal, migrant – can increasingly claim space in a culture that at one time would have rendered them largely silent and invisible.

The exhibition also functions as a survey of contemporary photographic practices, with the featured artists embracing approaches that push the boundaries of their medium. For better or worse, photography and digital technology have profoundly altered the way we encounter both our own bodies and those of other people, from social media and advertising to dating profiles and hook-up apps. Yet, for the artists in this exhibition, photography and related media also serve to re-centre lived experiences of the body, reflecting on essential, increasingly urgent, questions about what it means to be human.

Featured artists:
Shia Conlon, Jane Cummins, Phelim Hoey, Pradeep Mahadeshwar, Pauline Rowan, Vera Ryklova, Pádraig Spillane, Brian Teeling, and Nazli Yildirim.

Skin Deep / Perspectives on the Body in the press
An image of the online feature for Skin / Deep in GCN magazine which states "New Irish photography exhibition Skin / Deep showcases queer, trans and migrant bodies"


1:00 pm to
Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Photo Museum Ireland

Joining one of our guided tours is a great way to get to know our exhibitions in more detail. Our experienced guides are extremely knowledgeable about photography in general, and each exhibition in particular. Tours are free of charge, although booking is required.

Cost : Free

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Saturday, 1 February 2025

Photo Museum Ireland

Join us for a curator’s tour of Skin / Deep, exploring body image, identity, and gender through art, in celebration of St. Brigit’s Festival 2025—creativity, wisdom, and transformation.

Cost : Free

6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Thursday, 6 February 2025

Photo Museum Ireland

As part of our public programme for the exhibition Skin / Deep: Perspectives on the Body, join us for a conversation event with featured artist Shia Conlon. Shia will discuss the background to his practice, his inspirations and the evolution of his work included in the exhibition.

Cost : Free

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Monday, 27 January 2025

Photo Museum Ireland

Azure is a free experience designed for people living with dementia and their families and friends. During Azure, you will explore 3 selections of artwork from Photo Museum Ireland’s current exhibition with a facilitator who has received Azure training in dementia-inclusive arts programming.

Cost : Free

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Thursday, 16 January 2025

Photo Museum Ireland

As part of our public programme for the exhibition Skin / Deep: Perspectives on the Body, join us for an in-depth talk with featured artist Pádraig Spillane. Pádraig will discuss the background to his extensive practice, his inspirations and the evolution of his work, as well as the collages included in the exhibition.

Cost : Free
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