Ciarán Foley
Crawford College of Art and Design
Project Statement:
Present looks at how we as humans leave our mark on the landscape. Our presence in the land is evident in our everyday lives, domestically, industrially, socially, agriculturally and historically. I am drawn by the overlooked or unseen elements in the land that the regular passer-by is untuned to. As a photographer my eyes are constantly looking at and are aware of the human impact and presence of our everyday lives. I like to visit landscapes in Ireland that speak to me on an emotional level. For me it’s a spiritual feeling and these landscapes are deeply rooted in our DNA and a major part of our identity.
– Ciarán Foley
Artist Bio:
I am currently based in Waterford. Photography has been a passion for me for at least twenty years now. Having worked in a factory setting for fifteen years I made the tough decision to pursue a career in photography. Commercial I have worked for various names such as RTE, TG4, Sky Arts and Golden Plec, where I have photographed people in the arts across many different mediums.
During this time I decided to take night classes in photography where I discovered how contemporary and fine art photographers tell stories and express themselves through their work. Having gained an appetite for the arts, I began a four year degree in photography at Crawford College of Art and Design.
Education has broadened my mind greatly and I now look forward to a career in the arts and also hoping to gain a place in Ulster University where I have applied for an MFA in photography which will commence in September.