Changing States: Ireland in the 21st Century
Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin

Changing States: Ireland in the 21st Century is a group exhibition curated to reflect the diverse ways Irish artists have addressed key issues within the context of the Irish State. Featuring work by 34 artists, the exhibition surveys recent, profound social change in Ireland, shifting demographics, and the long-term legacy of colonialism, to question existing paradigms and power structures.

Artists Paul Carroll, Mark Curran, Caleb Daly & Luke Ryan, Clare Gallagher, Emer Gillespie, Jordan Hearns, Dragana Jurišić, Sara McCarroll, Kate Nolan, Miriam O’Connor, Mandy O’Neill and Ruby Wallis have withdrawn their work from the exhibition at short notice to protest the German State’s political stance regarding the conflict in the Middle East. We very much respect their right to withdraw from the exhibition. Each of the speakers at the launch of the exhibition acknowledged the withdrawal of the artists and expressed their respect for the artists’ right to protest.

It is important for us to consider the position and reputation of the artists remaining in the exhibition, who share the concerns of those who have withdrawn. These artists welcome the platform the exhibition offers to open up dialogues on the ways in which artists have responded to contemporary issues in Ireland. 

Many participating artists have chosen to show their support for the people of Palestine by donating the fees paid by Photo Museum Ireland to pro-Palestinian causes or through other charitable actions. One artist requested a modification to his work and after an in-depth discussion with him, we agreed to incorporate this updated work into the exhibition. To present an accurate reflection of the final exhibition we agreed with our partners to reprint the catalogue.

Changing States is funded by the Government of Ireland through Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland as part of the Zeitgeist Irland 24 programme – an inclusive cultural initiative to help raise the profile of contemporary Irish artists in Germany. Changing States: Ireland in the 21st Century is curated to reflect the diverse ways Irish artists have addressed key issues within the context of the Irish State.

Trish Lambe & Darren Campion, Photo Museum Ireland
Ralph Goertz, IKS Photo

Statement from Barbara Esch Marowski, Director, Haus am Kleistpark:
Art has a long tradition as a medium of resistance, reflection, and social change. Artists can use their work for protest and to amplify the voices of those who often go unheard. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right that applies without restriction in Germany. In the same vein, there is absolutely no place for discrimination of any kind nor anti-Semitism. Haus am Kleistpark is an inclusive municipal art space and a place of diversity, experimentation, and critical discourse (

In protest against the current political stance of Germany regarding the conflict in the Middle East, several Irish artists have withdrawn their participation in the exhibition Changing States: Ireland in the 21st Century at short notice. We respect this decision as a form of protest.

In the forum available to us, we focus on what we all have in common: the desire for peace in the Middle East. Our exhibitions serve as a platform to explore and discuss social discourses, and the artists participating in the exhibition share this aspiration.

Zeitgeist Irland 24 is an initiative from Culture Ireland and the Embassy of Ireland to promote Contemporary Irish Arts and Culture in Germany in 2024.

Supported by ARTE

Banner image: Ciarán Dunbar, Doylefort Road, from the series Diesel